Parish Organizations

qoa st stephen 2023-24

2023-2024 Members of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen at Queen of Angels

In order to provide our faithful with the spiritual and social support in order to grow their Faith, we are happy to offer the following organizations for almost every member of our chapel:

Third Order of SSPX (District-Wide) 

​Third Order signifies membership of the laity in a religious order. The laity has always been distinguished from clergy or religious. A third order gives the laity a degree of participation in what is proper to the clergy or religious.


Ultimately, the reason for third orders is the sanctification of the laity. As Tertiaries, the laity possess an additional means of sanctification through thr Order or a religious congregation; they are instructed in the spiritual life by the specific character and spirit of the order; and they partake in the spiritual treasures of the Order.

Fr. Adam Purdy

Visit the SSPX Third order site at: SSPX Third Order explanation - District of the USA

Discuss with your local chaplain.

Holy Name Society 


That there is need of a Holy Name Society in our day none can deny. There is indeed an abuse of the name of "Jesus," there is a tendency to speak lightly of God and His saints, a growing custom of laughing and ridiculing whatever approaches the supernatural. And it was to fight these evils that the Holy Name Society was organized.

More serious is the attack made upon the divine character of Christ by those who wear the guise of friendship, who pretend to see in Jesus the perfection of manhood, the embodiment of all that is good in our nature, yet doubt, if they do not deny, His divine origin, His equality with the Father and the Holy Ghost. To maintain and to increase man's faith in the divinity of the Savior is the chief object of the Society; to promote respect and honor for His Name, the means. An organized body of men striving heart and soul to make Jesus the Man-God better known and better loved: This is the Holy Name Society and its aim.

The Society further wishes to promote respect for authority both civil and religious. The rejection or the minimizing of authority is one of the great evils of our day.

Contact the office at [email protected] or simply begin attending meetings on the second Wednesday of the month in the parish hall after rosary.


Fr. Adam Purdy


President: Dan Sweeney


Ladies' League of the Sacred Heart

Open to all ladies of the chapel - Spiritual aim is to grow in and promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus within our families and wherever we can. As an outgrowth of our spiritual life, we assist with the social, and material needs of the school, parish, and community.

There are monthly meetings with a spiritual conference, and a monthly Holy Hour on First Fridays for all members who can make it.

Contact Mrs. Kerri Sweeney at [email protected]  or phone 517.927.8416 or simply begin attending meetings held on the 4th Thursday of each month, in the church hall after rosary and benediction.


Fr. Luke DeMeyer


Eucharistic Crusade

The Eucharistic Crusade came into being in 1914, founded by a Belgian priest, Fr. Edouard Poppe (1890-1924) to promote Eucharistic devotion among children. Its motto nicely summarizes the desire to encourage young people to strive for genuine sanctity: “Pray, receive communion, make sacrifices, be an apostle."

Contact the Church Office

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Murphy

​Fr. John Corr


Church Choir

To support the liturgical functions and provide beauty to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The choir is looking for volunteers. Reading music and prior choir experience preferred, but not necessary. 


Archconfraternity of St. Stephen

The Guild aims through a three-fold object to sanctify the altar server by teaching him that to serve in the sanctuary is a great religious privilege, instructing him how to observe the rites and ceremonies according to the Church, encouraging him to understand the significance and purpose of the ceremonies in which he serves.

Contact the Church Office


Mr. Marcelino LaBrake

Fr. Adam Purdy


Young Adults' Group

Open to all unmarried young adults age 18-30 (must be graduated from high school...exceptions made only by the chaplain).  Find Catholic support, friendship, apostolic activities, formation and fun. 

Want to be added to the "events contact list"?  Send request email to [email protected]

Fr. Adam Purdy