Testimonials: "This entire Mission inspired me to work harder to become a saint!”
Read what has resonated in church members' souls about their experience at the Parish Mission given by Fr. Alphonsus Maria. Many, many general confessions were heard.
Talks began Sunday, November 26 at each Mass through Thursday, November 30 each evening in the Church.
The following is a general overview of a Parish Mission.
Fr. Alphonsus Maria, C.SS.R., is a traditional Redemptorist priest affiliated with the Society of Saint Pius X. You can learn more about the mission and Father Alphonsus here.Many attending the November Mission given by Fr. Alphonsus Maria, CSSR grew in their faith.
The headline is an expression of the feelings felt by those who were at the week-long mission at Queen of Angels. Fr. Purdy himself expressed his gratefulness to Fr. Alphonsus on behalf of Queen of Angels Church. "On Monday he [Fr. Alphonsus] was sick and soldiered through the schedule that day. His long hours of preaching and hearing 97 general confessions during the week..." Father Purdy comments.
What follows are a few endorsements from those listening in the pews. Please take time to view the photos including testimonials above:
“He was so great. I love how he would explain each subject so well and I love that my husband did a general confession. Thank you, Father. You are the best for having him here.”
“On Monday I did my first general confession. My soul has felt that it is finally at rest this week."
"...Father Alphonsus' anecdotal style coupled with vivid imagery of the Passion of Christ really makes one dig deep into your conscience to accuse oneself of a lifetime of bad habits and sinful ways."
"I am so thankful to Father Alphonsus for hearing all of our general confessions. "
“It was a wonderful opportunity. Thank you so much.”
“He was very easy to understand, humorous, and to the point. There were a few things that I was unclear about for the longest time and now I’m clear. He’s so encouraging also. After I made my general confession, I actually felt free! Life-changing definitely!”
"His unassuming way of reminding us of death and judgement coupled with a 15-minute general confession simplifies any apprehension one might have regarding taking that deep plunge into your heart and soul."
"As a convert, I deeply appreciate his thorough instruction and pointers on how to make a good General Confession. It caused me to contemplate and review my life. Having made a General Confession, I am finally at peace.”
"This is our first time to have a general confession. This gave us the chance to examine our lives. It’s unimaginable how sinful we were that entire time."
"The handouts provided were also very helpful. Father Alphonsus gave thought provoking homilies making himself available for confessions so many hours."
"I have been fortunate to attend parish missions with Father and again every time I hear him it’s like fresh air. I can breathe and it’s a good reminder how our prayer life is so important."
For more information, please contact:
Traditional Redemptorist Missioners
Holy Redeemer House
15959 Bryce Rd.
Mussey, MI 48014